Pandemonium (Microfiction)

Pandemonium -
"The lights were bright, and a classical piano music was playing. Jack adjusted his suit and glasses and started what he'd been ordered to do."

The lights were bright, and a classical piano music was playing. Jack adjusted his suit and glasses and started what he'd been ordered to do: walk around and look at the faces of the men in the hall, even if it was only for a second.

All the men were wearing black suits. There were about thirty of them. Keeping track of who he'd looked at was going to be damn difficult.

Ahead, a man standing beside a lady wearing a red dress stared at Jack as if he knew what Jack was up to—as if he knew Jack's glasses had a camera and some officers were in a van outside the building monitoring the camera's footage.

Jack's phone beeped and a message popped up on its screen:

“He says that’s our target beside the lady in red. Get him!”

Jack increased his pace, ready to pull out his pistol. The man took a few steps back and reached into his jacket.


Copyright © 2017 Babatunde Olayiwola. All rights reserved. This story was previously published on my former blog.

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